chamakata hua example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest चमकता हुआ chamakata hua news and headlines :
1. हालांकि जब हम लोग ऐसे चमकदार होटलों को देखते हैं तो यही सोचते हैं कि काश हमारा घर भी इस तरह चमकता हुआ दिखेibnlive.com2. हालांकि जब हम लोग ऐसे चमकदार होटलों को देखते हैं तो यही सोचते हैं कि काश हमारा घर भी इस तरह चमकता हुआ दिखेibnlive.com3. हालांकि जब हम लोग ऐसे चमकदार होटलों को देखते हैं तो यही सोचते हैं कि काश हमारा घर भी इस तरह चमकता हुआ दिखेibnlive.comUsage and Example of chamakata hua 1. मस्तक पर हमेशा चमकता हुआ रामानंदी चंदन, जो नाक के एक छोर से ही, औरतों के टीके की तरह, शुरू होता। 2. उनका चमकता हुआ चेहरा आग की चमक को लजाता था। 1. This common will find very fervent advocates in the persons of President Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon and his foreign policy adviser, Henry Kissinger 2. Behind a curtain while sparkling light and shadow, space seems animated by an inner movement and rhythmically fragmented into an infinite number of elements 3. it was a Knight of the Legion of patent honor Beneath the sparkling 4. The trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie is the second flagship of the movement, deploying a set of a fantasy and a sparkling virtuosity (Groovin 'High) 5. Artur Schnabel, who was one of his most fervent admirers, stressed his "musical integrity

Given are the examples of hindi word chamakata hua usage in english sentences. The examples of chamakata hua are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sparkling, glinting, glittering, scintillating, scintillant, burnished, glittery, glistering, coruscant, aglitter, glistening, unrestrained.

With a crafty look in his glittering eyes, and his body crouching, he would creep closer and closer to me, suddenly making a dash for my feet, rolling over on his back and kicking with delight, and pretending to bite my ankles.

With a crafty look in his glittering eyes, and his body crouching, he would creep closer and closer to me, suddenly making a dash for my feet, rolling over on his back and kicking with delight, and pretending to bite my ankles.
Such big, bright-looking shops! What glittering displays of clothes and other merchandise! Such big crowds! Struck dumb with wonder, alli gaped at everything.
With the coveted award resting on his chest and his eyes glinting with rare happiness he said, “All I would like to say is: Teach your children music, this is Hindustan's richest tradition; even the West is now coming to learn our music.
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